Saturday, 29 December 2007

Claire and Henry, a winter wedding in Chigwell

Heres a few of my favourites from Claire and Henry's December wedding in Chigwell. We were blessed with beautiful low winter sun, great light makes the photography so much more rewarding! Although it was bitterly cold...not much opportunity to capture natural images outside the church, as everyone made a run from their cars to the warmth inside the church.

Tuesday, 20 November 2007

One of my faves

I was asked by another photographer friend what my favourite image of 2007 has been. This one springs to mind. The wedding of Tina and Marc in London Docklands. I had a just a few minutes to grab this picture, and knew it would make a stunning black and white the instant I saw it.

Thursday, 25 October 2007

This girl can really sing.

I've photographed a couple of weddings this year where pianist and singer Claire Harper has been performing. Her mellow jazz and soul fusion, delivered with a stunning voice, can add a great ambience to any reception.

Katherine and Matt

Mid October saw me back at Greenwoods for the wedding of Katherine and Matt.

Fast puds no:2

Summer pudding with raspberry and chocolate coolie

Thursday, 27 September 2007

Vicars that say no

I seem to be coming across this problem more and more often, Vicars (Priests, Reverends, Pastors etc) that refuse any photography at the front of the church during the service. Maybe they have been scared from previous photographers who have blasted the rituals with flash and got themselves just a little bit too close.

It seems a real shame to me that couples can be deprived of images of a moment thats key to the wedding day, and often rich with emotion. My solution to this is to only move while the congregation are singing hymns, not to photograph during prayer, to use available light and no flash and to use a long lens that keeps me well away in the background.

Heres some pictures from a classic recent example. After being adamant that he wanted no pictures during the service, this particular Vicar didn't even know I was there.....and the clients loved the pictures that are an important part of their wedding story.

Still, for every Vicar that says no, there are many that are happy to say yes.

Wednesday, 19 September 2007

Fast Puds no:1

Chocolate tian with wild berry jus.

Kate and Michael

A few favourites from Kate and Michaels day.

Saturday, 25 August 2007

Taking the plunge

We'll here we go....a blog, journal, diary, ramble and constant update on my life as a photographer . I'll try to keep it honest and amusing.....promise.